A5 - (GitHub)
Create notification that will go off next minute:
Edit notification so it goes off next minute:
Edit notification so that it deletes the notification:
Notification doesn’t go off because we disabled it:
New Features:
- Notifications have been added for the remind me date set by the user.
- Remind me checkbox schedules a notification for the provided date/time. – Notification includes the title of the task and a snippet of the description. – Clicking the notification opens the task list.
- Unchecking the remind me checkbox and saving the task deletes the pending notification.
- Implemented using WorkManager
Old Features:
- Retains data locally in database. Restores data when app is restarted.
- Single activity, multi-fragment design using NavController
- Recommended architecture with ViewModel and Repository
Task List Screen
- Add new task (green circle with ‘+’ symbol)
- Checkbox task complete
- Display task title and due date
- Delete task (Red ‘X’)
- Edit task by clicking on it
Edit Task Screen
- Enter/Edit Task Title, Description, DueDate, Remind Me Date
- Enable Reminder Checkbox (No notifications currently)
- DueDate and Remind Me Date open time/date picker
- Cancel button to discard edits
- Save button to save edits
Deploy to App Store (closed testing):
Web Test Link
App Link - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=edu.neu.khoury.madsea.matthewgatesdehn
What I learned:
- WorkManager for scheduling tasks
- Keeping track of the next ID in the database is weird.